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Leveraging AI to Boost your Content Marketing Impact

October 25, 2018
4 min reading time

We had a great time co-presenting with marketing technologist and AI expert, Chris Penn through our recent webinar on how to use AI to boost your content marketing impact.

Chris started by sharing the problems most marketers face when it comes to content development strategy. The 4 V’s according to Chris and IBM are:

  1. Volume - we have a ridiculous amount of content, that is generated and processed daily, today which is the equivalent of building 14 Great Walls of China every day.
  2. Variety - not only is the amount vast, the types of content is also diverse, everything from tinder swipes, to video, audio, photos, social posts and more.
  3. Velocity - the speed at which data is coming at us continues to rapidly increase. In the last year, there were more than 100 milion news stories, meaning huge challenges when it comes to content discovery.
  4. Veracity - it’s hard at these quantities and speeds to truly understand the truth in the data, which puts us at risk of catastrophic marketing failures that will hurt the user experience.

In light of these challenges, how can marketers give customers what they want?  According to Chris, the answer lies in machine learning, which provides 3 key benefits:

  1. Acceleration - machines can make marketing go much faster, by taking processes and enabling them to scale better
  2. Accuracy - machines can process billions of signals to create an understanding who the person is and give them exactly what they want
  3. Automation - taking repetitive tasks and handing those off to a machine is a perfect use case that allows humans to focus on higher value tasks that require creativity and strategy.

Chris described further what machines are good at and what machines simply can’t accomplish. The core aspects of what AI isn’t good at that humans are empathy, judgement, general life experiences, and relationships.

Where Chris focused on the content creation process and types of AI, Erin Quist LiftIgniter’s VP of Customer Success jumped into how AI can be used to extend the lifecycle of content by increasing time spent on site, improving recirculation of articles, and growing the total number of pages consumed.

Overcoming Today's Marketing Challenges

With the challenges of volume and veracity, marketers today need to provide users what they want as quickly as possible or risk that they go elsewhere. LiftIgniter’s real-time personalization platform enables a true one to one relationship with users, where the perfect piece of content is recommended throughout their journey of content discovery and exploration.

LiftIgniter is able to accomplish personalization based on observable behavior, and because it doesn’t rely on PII data, it is very GDPR friendly, as well able to deliver more relevant results.

LiftIgniter takes observable behavior and activity, such as how users interact with articles, content, offers, and more, noting not only clicks, but other engagement metrics such as depth of scrolling and view length. This data is used to create a massive matrix of users and their behavior mapped to articles and content and the metadata associated with these products or content. With each user click and action LiftIgniter updates the predictive model of what that user, and other users like them, would want to interact with next. Using Artificial Intelligence, LiftIgniter will optimize to improve the user clicks upon every behavior.

The system then returns a ranked list of recommendations that can be delivered to a variety of media, including Web, mobile, email/newsletters, and push notifications. Since the users often navigate across different platforms such as web to mobile, LiftIgniter can use behavior to inform the model across channels, meaning marketers can test messages, optimize email subscriptions and really achieve a true one-to-one conversations with consumers.

Leveraging machine learning for your content creation as well as content extension means eliminating a lot of the “busy work” marketers have needed to do in the past, as the work of creating segmentation and complex rules for targeting is really no longer needed.

What does this mean for content marketers?

With machines surfacing the right content at the right time, Erin explains we’re moving into Customer Experience 2.0.

As machines are never going to be able to predict the personal relationship brands want to create with their audiences, marketers can step in and start to Affect change and build brand affinity in new and interesting ways.

Think about what kind of brand you aspire to be.
In today’s climate perhaps you want to support female causes to align your brand in support of women, and with augmented intelligence you can boost positive articles about female leadership, women athletes or scientists.

Marketers can now focus on brand building and defining the relationships they want to have with their future consumers.

The volume of content, and velocity with which its consumed and created, has driven machine learning to create new opportunities in real-time marketing. Through optimization and personalization, marketers have the opportunity to give their content new life as it finds those interested customers at just the right time, in order to extend their content discovery journeys.

To listen to the entire replay of this insightful and informative webinar, click here!

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