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Answering The 3 Biggest Questions About AI in Marketing

January 23, 2018
4 min reading time

When it comes to using AI in marketing, the hype is real. It’s arguably the technology that has catalysed the most significant to change the digital marketing landscape since its inception, and it has redefined what shoppers expect from the online shopping experience. It’s understandable, then, that marketers in both media and e-commerce who haven’t rolled out some form of AI marketing technology are at panic stations. Fortunately, those marketers haven’t missed the boat, and with the rise of excellent and affordable third-party AI plugin solutions, it’s easier than ever to climb aboard. For those just joining the party, let’s answer five of the most commonly asked questions by marketers looking to bring the power of machine learning AI to their marketing arsenal.

How Are Marketers Using AI?

Just like any technology or marketing tool, the value of AI is only extracted through clever and innovative applications. The technology on its own is not going to boost conversions, or drive sales. To this end, savvy marketers continue to find smart ways to use AI to improve user experience and kick sales into a whole new ballpark, but by far, the most common applications are personalization and targeting.

Personalization has become so ubiquitous it is no longer exciting for users, or developers. Online shoppers now expect stores to offer at least a basic product recommendation AI, based on their past purchases. A publisher that doesn’t offer an article recommendation engine is now the exception, rather than the norm. While AI does make basic personalization features like these possible, the future is all about individualization. We’re talking about tailoring the experience to each and every user. Intelligently adapting content, tone and even design to make each user feel like they’re receiving personal attention every time they use our website or app. Such a level of personalization, based on an individual’s preferences, rather than a segment’s, is defining the future of AI in the marketing world.

Do I Really Need AI in Marketing?

Can it really be said that every marketer needs to have plans to invest in machine learning, or some form of AI marketing technology? The reality is, the competitive landscape has been irrevocably changed by the impact of these technologies, so the answer may be yes. Even if you have no involvement in online business, if you aren’t able to leverage a data platform to help you make intelligent decisions based on real-world, objective data, then how will you compete with those who do? A marketer is as effective as the quality and quantity of the data he has access to, so if keeping up with the industry depends on the ability to transform stored data into actionable intelligence, then AI is going to be a necessity.  

What are the Biggest Challenges in Adopting AI/Machine Learning?

Just a few years ago, the answer to this question would have been very different. We’d have to talk about hiring and briefing developers, integration challenges, maintenance protocols and how much office furniture you’re going to have to sell to afford it all. Fortunately for all of us, that is no longer the case. Development challenges and massive budget requirements have all but been entirely wiped off the map by third-party AI and machine learning solutions such as Liftigniter. By taking this route, you can put advanced AI features in the hands of a marketing team almost overnight.

So now that the development monster has been taken off the table, what’s the next biggest challenge in making AI work for marketing teams? Well, marketers, the spotlight is now trained on us. If the technology is easier than ever to access, then it’s up to us to put it to work. We’re going to need to answer questions that include: How do we use the technology to broaden the mouth of our funnels and speak to a wider audience? How do we use it to communicate more intimately with each and every prospective customer? And critically, how are we going to measure its impact accurately? Indeed, the biggest challenge in adopting AI is now identifying where and how it can plug into our marketing strategies.

All Aboard the AI Train

So, if you’re a late adopter, it’s by no means too late to hitch your cart to the AI train. Thanks to the unprecedented level of attention that the technology has been paid by researchers over the past decade, its evolution is starting to slow. The pursuit of new applications for AI and machine learning, however, is entering its heyday, and it’s here where marketers have the opportunity to break new ground. If AI is set to become the vehicle that allows us to communicate with prospects on a much deeper and more personal level, then marketers who understand the technology’s applications, capabilities and limitations will stand above their competitors.   

Discover how simple and affordable bringing sophisticated machine learning capabilities to your marketing team can be, with Liftigniter.

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